
Sino-Spanish Campus (SSC) was co-founded by Tongji University, Polytechnical University of Madrid and Polytechnical University of Catalonya, with headquarters in Tongji.      

As the window of communication and the platform of cooperation, SSC has the mission of enhancing and deepening faculty and students mobility and research cooperation among Tongji and Spanish universities and organizations; realizing cooperation in advanced areas of Spain such us engineering and management, focusing on cutting-edge research like smart city, industry of creativity, green building, etc.; establishing collaboration with Latine American and the Caribbean based on the close relationship between this region with Spain; an the same time, promoting cultural communication between China and Spanish-speaking areas.      

同济大学版权所有 上海市四平路1239号 021-65988619 / 65983331 E-mail:ssc_tongji@163.com                   沪ICP备10014176号   沪举报中心