on September 17 and 18
 On the Fourth Working Meeting (Barcelona), three parties reviewedthe progress of ssc after the establishment in May, analysed theproblems and discussed the solutions,as well as the sustainableoperation, financial sources,steering committee and its operatingmechanism, future programs, etc.
On May 24 and 25
  On the Third Working Meeting (Shanghai), three parties signed theMemorandum of Understanding for the Establishment of the Sino-Spanish Campu at Tongji University.
Feburary 21 and 22
  On the Second Working Meeting (Shanghai), three parties agreedon the missions, cooperation areas, organization chart, financial issuesand working schedule and signed the Intention Letter on EstablishingSino-Spanish Campus.
November 17 and 18
  On the First Working Meeting (Barcelona), three parties decided toestablish Sino-Spanish Campus.
December 6
   On the internal working meeting,Tongji defined cooperation areasand forms.


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